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Friday, January 29, 2010

Good hard habits

What do I know for sure? Not much.
Here's my list:
  • chocolate is delicious and addictive.
  • the couch is very comfortable when eating chocolate.
  • dogs are magical creatures.
  • it's physically impossible for me to avoid all of the above all the time.
  • forming a good habit is very hard.
I chatted with my friend Ashley today. We talked about how we often start running then take dabble breaks. It's a curse really. But, life gets in the way. We both have stressful jobs in the medical field, lots of good friends, dog (mine is in my dreams so far) and hubbies. It's hard to find the time for a run. Actually it's not the time, it's the energy.
The temptation to hide under the bed after work is very powerful. In the past week, I was kicked in the chest, almost bitten and slapped by 2 different confused patients; I'm positive Ashley's had worse on her job.
The fact that we go out in public at all is good. Having the energy to go out for a run or workout is great. Tomorrow (off today after 4 straight workout days) I must remember to feel proud of myself ... Forming a good habit is very hard.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My inner tomboy is cheering ecstatically!

So... yesterday I went swimming. That's my cross training plan. I'm shooting for 2 swimming workouts a week. But, that's not why I'm writing today.
The workout was good. I felt OK, swimming finds all of my weakness and then kicks my buttocks. I barely beat out the gal in the next lane and I had swim fins on....she didn't. Needless to say, I felt a little puny when I finished. BUT....
As I was changing a woman next to me started to chat. She asked me what 'tri' are you training for? Inside there was a little girl tomboy cheering ecstatically 'This woman thought I was a triathlete!!!!!' OK, she very well could have been just making conversation but I'm going with the joyful thought/delusion she thought I was studly. I explained what my plan was and she lamented about being in the pool due to injury. BOO injuries! I told her good luck and that she was great for keeping up on workouts then we went our separate ways.
Today was even better. I ran a track workout with friends and it was actually fun, like gym class was...And.... it sunk in that wow I'm an athletic person at 40. Not bad, not bad at all.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The outer limits

I talked about limits this week. My outer limits are close...very close. I've been running into them almost daily. I am forced to run a little slower or take a walk break up a hill but, this week I notice that my limits are becoming a little further away.
Today, I ran Lake Padden with Janel. We planned to run two laps. The first went by and I felt OK but was doubtful about the second. I'd run the past couple of days and the looming limit was creeping up.
We started on the second lap and I said, "I'm not sure I can do 2 today". Janel was so nice and said, "no problem, just let me know if you want to turn around early."
I thought about it for a bit then decided we should just finish the lap. About 3/4 of the way through the lap there's a hill. It's steep, a little curvy and feels about a mile long (In reality it's only about 40 yards long). Needless to say, my lungs were screaming for a rest. But then it was done and I had a few minutes left. I felt great and even managed to speak...out loud and say so. Janel and I agreed that the second lap feels even better and were both glad to finish. You know what? I felt tired and close to my limit for the day but...I could have run at least another mile or two.
So, I say Just keep running, just keep running, just keep swimming...I mean running. Thanks Steve (and Dory)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Free flying advice on running...

Running has an interesting culture all it's own. Within it is acceptable to snot rocket, stink a bit and advice flies freely. I like the running culture. I enjoy the camaraderie of seeking advice, discussing what works and doesn't.
I decided to use a book about marathon training this time around. It's called 4 Hours to a 4 Hour Marathon. OK, the title totally sucked me in. I read the book and thought, hey I can finish this. Then, I spoke to my friend Steve...the really good runner I told you about? Yeah, him. Well he thinks speed work is not necessary even though it's in the book. My plan includes speed training. He suggested hill repeats or fartleks (short bursts of speed followed by easy running) to increase my aerobic fitness.
Now, I think Steve's a really smart and a really experienced runner AND I'm nervous. By the way, my friend Megan was told the same information by her brother in law.
I think this brings up another mind over matter issue. Do I sway from the training or listen to my friend. Currently, I'm not even in the training cycle, just building my mileage so it's nothing to get worked up about. In the end though, I will probably listen to Steve and just run, and run... again and again...
Off for a run.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's all in my head. It's all in my head.

I think half of running is mental. There is a limit to training the body. Physically, you must challenge your body and push further and further. I think that's the easy part. Sure, there are the obvious barriers. Mine? Age, my tight left quad, being short...and eating chocolate. But, those barriers are not as great as doubt.
We grow into doubt. As children, we all ran around without a care in the world. I remember the freedom and joy of running. My face and back would be all sweaty and there was always a game of some sort. It was just so fun! That feeling didn't last forever. At some point, I found my body's limitations. Some people run through those barriers and turn into athletes and hopefully, keep the joyous part. Others, like myself, find themselves slowing down.
We know that professional runners are mentally tough. They can do things mere mortals only dream of. They have doubts but have found a way around them. So, how does the everyday Joe manage to get past those doubts? I think we have to prove it to ourselves.
This morning I ran with a friend Kate, who walks regularly. Let me clarify, she walks regularly, really fast. We ran much of a 5 mile course today which challenged Kate. She will be very fast in a few months. I think today may have been the last day I would find it easy to run with her. Why am I the one running faster now? I've been running more but that's not the biggest advantage I have. Her spider-monkey like long legs will be running efficiently and far quicker than my stubby little legs very soon.
My greatest advantage is I know, no BELIEVE, that I can make it to the end of the road and back again. I've proven it to my brain. Right now, I'm attempting to make my mind believe I can do a marathon in under 4 hours. Now, if I could just get past the doubt and move on to the joy...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Big "A"

I went for lunch with friends yesterday. One of them asked, "Why a blog? Why put it out there for the world to see?" She also asked if I was self-centered thinking there was a sunny spot following me.
Well, yes I am self-centered. Anyone who has spent time with me knows that...sort of. I'm what you'd call self-focused. That is, I tend to look inward before looking out. You know what? It's working for me. I have amazing people around me! You know what else? I still think there's a sunny spot out there for me, but feel free to share the light.
About the blog...I have never published anything in my life. I finished a Creative Writing degree at WWU and have never tried to publish. Why? I am a big chicken! A blog is pretty anonymous. How many people are reading this? Maybe 10 if I'm lucky. What is it doing for me? It gives me the big 'A'.
That's right, this blog gives me accountability! And... in my wildest dreams... a load of people reading along and finding inspiration.
I will go for a run today. Why? I just wrote it...and I always write MY truth. Testify to the big "A" sister!

"At first an ordeal and then an accomplishment, the daily run becomes a staple, like bread, or wine, a fine marriage, or air. It is also a free pass to friendship." --quote of the day from

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

For the love of running

Well, I went running today. It was amazingly beautiful yet again. Is there a sunny spot following me? Gosh I hope so!
I realized that I have a few people to thank for motivation. Just before I started, I was lucky enough to run into my friend Genevie. She is so joyful! She and her hubby Steve own Fairhaven Runners. Check them out!
They are two of the most fit people I know. They've both been very competitive runners and could totally wipe the road with me despite being a little older (You're welcome Steve. I told Steve about my lack of inspiration once. I think it had been a month since I ran. I said it was so hard to start. He said something so simple and so true. "Just go out and run even if it's 15 minutes". I did just that the next day. It's amazing what a few simple words can do.
Donna is another runner I've mentioned. She manages to run most days. She has said the same thing after almost every run we've done together. As soon as we stop she says, "That was fun!" and she believes it!
There are some differences between Steve, Genevie, Donna and me. Unlike myself, they are not dabblers. Rather, they are consistent and dedicated runners and inspirational to me!
What's their secret? They love it! They love going outside, love the act of running and the community of running. You know... most days, so do I. When I grow up, I want to be like them!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Starting out is hard to do.

Running can be hard. One of the hardest things about running is starting. It's difficult to start training and even harder to continue. Today, I didn't run. I totally wanted to...I mean it! I found every chore, did yoga, started a creative project, went to coffee and did the dishes. I thought about it and still didn't go.

Tomorrow, I have a running date with myself. I have one to-do in the morning and I'm going to wear my running clothes there. When I'm finished, I will go for a run. I feel obligated, I'll run because I didn't put in the time today. Tomorrow, I'll repay the time I took off today.

You know what? I'll feel better after I get out there. Just like I would've today.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I had a dream

OK, it wasn't a good dream. It was a scary dream. I was running the marathon and time was ticking...I was at mile 17 and running out of time! 4 Hours was about to click off and I had 9 miles to go. Seriously? I'm actually stressing out about making this goal happen and haven't even started 'real' training yet?
This morning I ran at North Shore. It was ridiculously gorgeous and I was running with my great friend. I told her about my dream. She laughed a bit and said, "it's too early to worry" and of course I had to agree. She was right. It's too early to worry and here's a good lesson I've had to learn over and over. Running is about enjoyment. Running is about feeling the breeze and listening to your footfalls. It's about accomplishing a personal goal.
Even when you're running with another person it comes down to you, a pair of shoes and your breathing. Face it: Running is great. My next dream? It will be me crossing the line in 3:57:58...doesn't that sound great?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Universe is Listening

I believe that when we want to accomplish something, we need to be very clear. Clarity is important because the universe, or life or your god, has a way of helping us along--no matter what. I believe that we all have the ability to achieve great, big things when we focus. Just think of all the great mistakes you've made. (I've made some really, really big ones!)
I think if your intent is to run a 50K or a 5K, make sure your outfit matches or you can touch your toes in 30 days, put it out there. So, here it goes:
  • This June, I AM going to run 26.2 miles in under 4 hours.
  • In March of 2011, I AM going to finish the Chuckanut 50K. That's 30 miles...and hilly so no time goal for me.
Why? For the really sore face I have from smiling when I accomplish a really hard goal. And.... for the food I get to enjoy along the way. :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More therapy

Running is a gift; it clears the mind, soul and invigorates the body. It can heal too.
Recently, my dear friend and I went on a short run. We both ran late, then finally separate locations. We giggled a bit. About a 1/2 hour after our scheduled meeting time, we finally hit the trail.
We started running and after a bit of encouragement she started to pour her heart out and cried a bit. Cried some more and told me about a tough time she's going through. I listened and felt really lucky. Lucky that I am the ear to someone's heartache and that she trusts me so much. We ran out about 20 minutes. After 10 minutes she was a little tired but I knew it would do her soul some good to keep going. We turned around when her face looked a little less stressed and she'd explained a lot of the story.
Part way back we had to stop because she was sobbing. My heart broke a little and I gave her a big hug because that is all I had to give.
My friend did not solve all of her problems that day. Instead she cleared her head and lightened her soul on the trail. Running does that sometimes. I'm sure she'll return the favor someday...she's that kind of friend.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tripping antelopes

I have a competitive streak but I'm not rabid. My casual runs are fun and do not turn into a race. In fact, if my running buddy is lagging, I'll slow down. If my buddy is totally kicking my ass, I will just try to keep up or even ask for the dreaded walk break.
I do however have fantasies of tripping really fast people. It started several years ago with an old friend Kris. We were running a loop of Lake Padden and we were passed. No... we were blown out of the water. The fast girl came up fast from behind and went by on her antelope-like, long legs barely covered by her form fitting 1-inch long shorts. Kris said, "next lap, we should trip her". I laughed so hard we had slow down even more. Now, when someone blows by me and they happen to look like a fitness model? I fantasize about tripping them. It makes me smile and allows me to continue plodding along. :)
Thing is, what I want is to be her. I want to be fast and to wear tiny shorts and not scare people. There was a time I was fast, or at least felt fast. I didn't wear tiny shorts; though I did have some form fitting ones.
This year is my year. I'm making it a mission. Get faster and a little slimmer. Will I wear 1 inch shorts? Uh no, but it would be nice to blow by someone and hear them say, "let's trip her". That would make me smile.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I could just go, and go, and go....

Today, I was able to run with my friend Krista. We even saw Donna along the trail. There must be something to 'saying it into being'. We were all just out enjoying the lovely day. Next month, I'm starting my official training. On February 8th, I'll be on a 4 month count down to race day.
Right now, I'm just trying to enjoy running; choosing the right gear for the weather, warming up, feeling my lungs expand, the sound of my feet hitting the road and finding my body's limit. It feels so good!
Some days, I don't even reach my limit. My legs begin turning over automatically as if someone flipped a switch. I'm out there on a whim, just because. My first steps are soon a distant memory and off I go. 1, 2, 6 miles pass in a blink the scenery floats by like the best movie you've ever seen. Those are days when I don't need to run. If you've ever felt this you've got the running bug; it's an affliction really. You drag yourself out of the house repeatedly, working through lots of the bad days only to float on the good ones.
Today, it was great to see Krista and Donna. I did not have a particularly easy run today but that's OK. It's OK because I know if I put in lots of sort of OK or even bad days, a great run will happen. It'll catch me off guard when I realize I'm 5 miles out and could just go, and go, and go....

Friday, January 8, 2010

Stars align and friends run.

For some people, running is alone time. They put in their ear buds, jack up the tunes and float along on their little private island of running. I feel the opposite way. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy solo runs some of the time but my favorite thing to do is running with friends.
I like to think of running as social time. It's difficult for busy people to get away from their lives to do something frivolous like coffee or lunch (two of my favorite activities). My friends all have jobs, kids, husbands, hobbies and a ton of other friends. Going out to run is an escape from all our busy lives. It's a chance to catch up. It's a two-fer: exercise plus adult conversation (aka therapy).
Twelve years ago I ran with Donna, a former Team In Training coach. We'd run and I'd tell her about my love life. It was very exciting at the time... Lucky for me and despite my happy monogamy, she has remained my friend through occasional runs. Now we catch up, laugh about the good old days and new good times.
I also run with Krista, my best friend. She and I have often laughed about the running streak we had going a few years ago. We'd get up and meet at 6 am. We kept it up for several months while training for a 1/2. These days? Six is the middle of the night. I work in the until 1130 in the evening and alas, Krista works far more than she should. We're lucky if we meet once a week. When we run, the mood is usually set in the first few minutes. On a great day, we run and just pour out our souls. On a bad one, we run, walk and commiserate.
What do I miss when I can't run with my friends? The feeling of a shared accomplishment and my happy heart. Luckily when the stars align, I'm able to run, catch up and lighten up with my friends.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gorgeous, sunny and cold!

I went for a run this afternoon. It was crazy beautiful. I felt like the sun was shining just for that possible? Who cares, it was great.
I ran a short turn through Whatcom Falls. It's a great local park that's close by; tons of trails, birds chirping year-round, ducks swimming and dogs with their people.
Normally, I have to talk myself out the door. Remind myself that it's time to get out there. Today I just jumped up and decided I needed to run. I wish everyday was like today. It wasn't the weather that made the day great. There were plenty of perfect spring day runs that felt worse than cold blustery days. If only we could bottle the enthusiasm and joy to save for the bad days....

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Why Run?

So after my bout with insomnia I admit it was difficult to get out to run. But, I dragged my booty out and ran about 5 miles. I was passed as I walked uphill, sucking wind, by some terribly fit looking man --I started running again. Thanks again bad man and his pack! So why run? A few reasons...
  1. I feel better when I run.
  2. I look better too...even if it's just in my own mind.
  3. The people on trails are happier. It makes me feel like the world is a better place.
  4. I'm nicer when I run.
Oh, the food! I love eating...did I mention that before? Because there's almost nothing better than a big yummy breakfast after a good long run!

A dude and his pack

OK, I'm having a bout with insomnia tonight. As I lie here in my bed I remembered a comment some dude running with his pack said. "the great thing about running is a girl has to be really fit to beat you even when you're not in shape". He said this as he and his pack blew by me on the trail. I was about to point out his stupidity when I realized I needed to thank him. So here it goes... Thank you for the inspiration kick your ass sometime in the future. OK, so I may not recognize him if I saw him again but if some dude tries to blow by me in a race? I'll think of my friend on the trail and give him a run for his money.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Starting point...dabbler

I'm what you'd call a dabbler, in running and much of my life. I will go through a running streak for several weeks then off for a couple. When I hit the trails again, I'm often exhausted and frustrated with how...s...l...o...w I am!
Occasionally, after several days of running I find myself on a bed of air as I float along the trails barely hearing my footfalls. That is why I continue to run, or try to run.
This year however, my good friend Layla called me and said, 'hey! Let's do San Diego Rock n Roll Marathon!" And, like the good dabbler I am, I said, 'sure'. Why you ask? Well I'll tell you. I have completed 5 marathons between 1998 Honolulu and 2007 Bellingham. Unfortunately or expectantly you might say, I've finished all of them progressively slower. The first time, I finished in a respectable 4:23...last time I posted was 5:12:55.
Now, I'm 40 so I expected to slow down but honestly! Over 5 hours???
This year I'm hoping for a sub-four hour marathon. Too much to ask??? We'll see.