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Monday, March 29, 2010

Many, small, internal pep talks...

Sleeping in sounded good last night but I had a plan. After procrastinating for 2 days...a new record for me thank you very much, I finished last week's long run today. 17 miles completed and it felt nothing like the 15 miler. The days of wondering if I ran enough? Gone! Those thoughts have now replaced with the following thoughts:
  1. Isn't this run over?
  2. I wonder if Brian is close by, in his car, able to pick me up?
  3. Is hitchhiking really that dangerous?
  4. Where is my pit crew with the energy bars?
At about 15 miles, my body said, "enough!" I heard it. I did try to call Brian but he was most of the way to work. So, I finished my 17 miles. Admittedly, I walked about 1/2 a mile from the 15 mile mark then finished using many, small, internal pep talks. In reflection...I am...proud of myself and looking forward to Saturday's's only 10 miles!

Total 169 miles

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Alice's Wish

I believe I have a habit! I was home for a few days and managed to run 2 of 3 days!!!
I even went for a walk with a cute little 80 year old while I was home.
Mind you, she is a very fit, cute and little 80 year old. Her name is Alice and let me tell you this, she is still a machine. We walked around an uneven forest loop that ended up being about 2 miles.
OK, so for an average runner, that's not that long. For an 80 year old lady? It's a lot... Brian, my partner in crime, kept suggesting we turn back but I was watching Alice. She barely broke a sweat and powered up the hills barely breathing hard! She told me a great story and I'm sharing it for inspiration.
"When I was just a little girl," Alice started one of many stories. "I remember my Mom was doing laundry and us kids were in the yard playing. Suddenly, we saw my grandma throwing her cane out the window. We asked, 'what are you dong Grandma?' as she climbed out the window and said, 'I'm going for a walk. Now behave and I'll bring you some candy.' Off my Grandma went down the road by herself." Alice laughed a bit and continued, "you know, I thought to myself, maybe I can be like my Grandma when I'm old like that".
Alice, I think you got your wish... now I hope I'm like Alice when I'm 80...or even about a marathon at 80? Can you say age group winner?

Total Miles 148.5

Monday, March 22, 2010

crossing the line of sanity

Well I finished my 15 mile run and feel rather confused. I had to double check the length because with the exception of the last rather painful 1/2 mile, it didn't feel bad. In the past, I've been so exhausted and sore I felt a greater sense of accomplishment. Yep, it's happened, I've started to cross the line of sanity and into the land of the hard core runner. I just hope my body can keep up.
Total miles 141.5

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I've exhaustion

OK, it's happened-- complete exhaustion.
I had an incredible massage Thursday. My IT band felt better and generally my body felt more relaxed. Unfortunately, my body relaxed and decided a few additional things for me....One it felt great...until I worked that evening. My body then decided it's tired and beaten up between work and running so much. Yesterday I ran a bit, then had a crazy night at work.
Today it's time to give in and rest. Oh my aching neck ...and feet ....and shoulders and curses to tight IT bands everywhere!
Tomorrow? It's another day and my planned run is 15 miles....wish me luck and stay tuned.
Training Miles 126.5

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Why am I doing this to my body? Tomorrow I'm scheduled for a massage. I'm hoping the 'magical masseuse' as per Ashley can torque out some of the ridiculous tension in my left IT band. It's killing me when I stretch. It's not hurting when I run, just when I try to stretch. Curses to aging tendons and years of poor stretching practices!
Otherwise, everything is fabulous! I feel amazing, more energy, my arse finally started to decrease in size and my runs are all easier. Two laps of Lake Padden, my old friend, were easier. When I started running many moons ago, Lake Padden was my weekly fitness gauge. When it was time to get on the wagon, a lap of Padden was hard. Then, a little more fitness allowed a hard 2 laps. When you can do 2 laps easily and power up the're getting there. The best? When 3 laps seems easy.
I actually got a date out of running three laps in another life. The relationship didn't make it to date two... he was late and I had the patience of a flea back then. The story: I was running just for fun...and ran 3 laps. A handsome fellow struck up a conversation over my running prowess. I felt very cool and decided to meet him for a date. But, he was late and it made me, no relationship and now he's married to another, more patient person. I'm with a more patient person who humors me with the term "passionate" when referring to my general demeanor. And I didn't even have to run almost 8 miles to get him!
Will let you know how the massage goes...either way, it's a massage...Yay!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Not whooped...

Starting to see more progress. I did an 8 mile loop before work today and was tired but not whooped! 8 miles now feels like 5 did a month ago. That's a great feeling.
Total miles : 118.5

Friday, March 12, 2010

Find the joy!

Ran an out and back with Ashley, Bailey and Leo today. Ashley is my human friend, Bailey and Leo are her dogs. I love dogs...they remind me of the important stuff. What did I learn today? Stop occasionally and sniff around. Check out sights and sounds (and smells), get to know fellow travelers and enjoy the journey. Be sure to find a few extra side trails and find in stretching our legs and breathing the fresh air. Bailey and Leo...and Ashley showed me some joy! Hurrah!
Total miles 110.5

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I feel tough!

Today, I made myself do a speed workout. Rain and a bit of hail! I felt very tough today. was sunny, just as I finished for a full 3 minutes...delightful!
Total 104.3

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"This is vewy sewious....vewy sewious"--Elmer Fudd

I had a funny realization about running last night over dinner ... My decisions about work are affected by my running schedule. I was telling my guy Brian about a possible schedule change at work and the conversation turned to running...and whether my training would be affected.
I think it's funny, since I'll never be an Olympian and have little chance of even winning a given race. Yet, I'm serious about running...very serious.
Total 101.5 miles

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Looking for Shawnee

Long run today. Although it was not perfect, the day was amazing. The sun was out, it was slightly cool. I lost a running buddy for a bit but was glad to find her almost 2 hours later....back at her car.
So, the run itself felt great! I kept a 10 minute pace for the majority, my goal for long runs. I finished strong and really didn't suffer. Unfortunately, my buddy's back was hurting so she told me to go ahead. Then, I lost her...bad directions? Or just a determined Shawnee? Losing her on Chuckanut was not planned but in the end it was good for a laugh...and will be for a long time. ;)
I started out my day at 730 AM. Now, that is early as I work evening shift. I dragged myself out of bed, was out the door just after 8 AM and running by 840...I thought to myself why am I doing this? Why not sleep in and lounge on my first day off?
Don't worry, I'll tell you... I lapped up several hours of beautiful sunlight, saw 5 friends on the trail, enjoyed multiple hellos from walkers and a few waves from runners ( I decided walkers were friendlier today). I was delighted with birds, crisp fresh air, a few dogs and a squirrel. I even chowed down on pizza and beer for a post run lunch (would have been breakfast had I found my buddy earlier).
Would I have enjoyed my sleep in? You bet!
Was it worth finishing 13 miles and the search for Shawnee? You bet!
Total miles 97.5

Running is infectious

Running is therapeutic, cathartic and generally good for you. Apparently it's also catching. I've recently noticed that my enthusiasm is spreading to other people. Tomorrow, I get to try out a new running buddy and another friend decided to start running after we talked.
How cool is that? Uh... really cool! I can't take credit but it's nice to know I'm spreading some positive energy around.
Today...I almost wrote tomorrow...I run 13. Well it's been awhile since I tackled the 1/2 marathon distance. I'm excited and a little daunted but, I've been training for this and it's only 2 more miles than last week...I'll have to let you know how things go.

"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it."
-Oprah Winfrey

Total miles 84.5

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Remember to just run....remember?

This week is feeling a little lighter than last. Even though I put in more miles this week, it seems a little easier. Too bad it's all in my head. I don't think I've made any great leaps and bounds this week but my mind is more at ease. I took a few days to relax and just run.
So this week I've made it through a plateau of sorts. I managed to get past some frustration and stress. I just have one question...Why is it so hard to remember to 'just run'? I should try a Sarah Palin and write myself a note my hand... 'wink'.
Total miles 81.5 miles

"Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can."
Lowell Thomas