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Friday, April 30, 2010

Packing up insanity

OK people I fixed a glitch and it's now easier to comment on my blog.  It will actually show up now.  So...comment away!

Business out of the way, I will now share my crazy thoughts for the day.  Race day is Sunday.  I'm already packed.   Seriously.  I'm REALLY packed!  I have 2 full outfits, 1 pair running shoes, 4 prs of socks, 2 running bras, 2 prs of undies, GU, a  SPIbelt (my favorite new gadget), misc. hair stuff and finally comfy clothes,  my sexy recovery socks (you too can acquire a pair)
and flip flops for post-race celebrations.  Am I over packed?  Yep, will I remove even one item before I leave?  Uh no, what if I need it????  So, the insanity continues.  I am taking pictures galore for the next few days so stay tuned!
Good luck to all that are running.  It's sure to be a great day!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

7000th place

After several nights of crappy sleep, a bunch of crappy runs and some very stressed out days...I'm finally done with the whole mess.  For the past few days I rested, stretched and managed a few good night's rest.  Today, I felt better.  I now truly looking forward to Sunday.  I'm looking forward to running with a big crowd in the big city.  I'll be doing the half (13.1 miles)
Some quick facts for you:
  • Vancouver International Marathon has Four races, the marathon (42.2 km), half marathon (21.1 km), the 8 km, and the McDonald's Kids MaraFun
  • There will be about 14,000 participants.
  • Stanley Park, the circumference of which we will run Sunday, more than 10% larger than New York City's Central Park.
  • The top 2009 woman finisher was Lioudmila Kortchaguina.  She finished the half in 1:17:11.
On review of the above, I can tell you the following:
  •  I will place around mid-pack.  7000th I believe that makes me.  
  • Stanley Park will seem much bigger to all who run on Sunday.  But, it will also seem more beautiful because it's amazing to go through by foot.
  • I will finish about 40 minutes after the first woman finishes.  
So, since I won't win, and know I'll do my best...I'm ready to run and run and run.  For now? Off to drink more coffee.  Cheers!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Meditating on the reset bad I can't find it

OK I've been struggling on every run for over a week now.  Today, I'm meditating (thought I'd throw in an in-action shot), stretching and trying to find my reset button.  Why isn't it easy to find?  It's my body for goodness sake!
Total miles 245.5

ps, will add some photos of me actually running sometime soon.  I know you can hardly wait!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The countdown is very small...

One week Vancouver 1/2 Marathon...
I'm excited, a little nervous but mostly excited...  My friend (who shall remain unnamed) will be finishing her first race EVER.    We're heading up to Vancouver Saturday then racing on Sunday.
My goal is 1:58:00.  I've run this race 3 times: once under 2 hours (10 years ago),  ('05) 2:09 and last year at 2:25--my worst time.  It's tune-up race so if it goes well great!   If not, curses!  Either way it's a great race and I'm looking forward to running through Stanley Park.
PS 41 days until San Diego...yikes that's a small number.
Total miles 242.5

Friday, April 23, 2010

No great or awesome here...

OK for the past two days, no great or awesome has running at all has occurred for that matter.  Today?  Guilt...and I'm totally worried I'm on the path to non-awesome.  I'm on the slippery slope to failure!  Yikes, that's dramatic.
Here's the thing.  I've come to the point of running longer, getting in fairly good shape before.  I arrive at Dabblerville... then my brain takes over.  I start fixating on the end goal and the whole thing starts feeling way too big and way too much.  I start feeling as though I won't get the training done.
Of course there wouldn't be fear without guilt.  So, here I am.  I'm afraid to screw up running so I've been avoiding it for 2 days and feel guilty!  Argh, someone give me a lobotomy. That way my upper brain function won't take over when I need my 'just run' button turned on full power.
OK, will go for a run today.  Of course so far I've managed to drink coffee.  Wish me luck.

A little addition to today's thoughts.  I ran 5 miles with a little success.  Still crazy...yes I'm aware Kate.  But, I ran...and only liked it a little.  :)
Total Miles 235

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today good, tomorrow great?

So, today I learned not to do a double shift if running is important.  After 16 hours in the hospital, I reported off happily to the AM shift and dragged myself home to my bed.  I can tell you that night shift is not awesome but really, the people I worked with were very fun-if not a little crazy.  I got home and crawled into bed.  I slept until 1230 then dragged myself to the coffee pot.  Ahhh coffee, my old friend.  Coffee wasn't enough I'm afraid.  It took another 3 hours of couch surfing and snacking to realize that I was well able to get my rear in gear for a run today.
Two laps of Lake Padden was all I had today.  So, another 5 miles and feel good.  Tomorrow, I'm going for great. 
Total miles 230 miles

Sunday, April 18, 2010

And another lovely day...

 It was a delightful day with delightful friends.  Out to Arroyo Park and back.'m pretty sure there are very few places as pretty on a sunny day.
Total 225 miles

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Another good day

Beautiful day, even got too hot!  Wow, I think the spring is finally here!  It's another good day.
Total miles 220

Friday, April 16, 2010

Just grateful...

I want to say I'm grateful today.  My work day was good and it left me time to contemplate.  I'm grateful for my health and strength.  Each workday, I care for people whose bodies have given out in some way.  One patient wasn't able to breathe without oxygen, another fighting probable cancer and one was confused and child like.  I wish for a magic wand to fix all the illness around us but until my wish comes true....I can be grateful for strength in my legs, a sound brain (most of the time) and lungs that can use the oxygen around me.  It's a good day.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Coffee is good....

One of the more enjoyable days yesterday.  Krista ran a recovery run to coffee (very important for muscle recovery) and a walk back.  Good news!  I can still walk up stairs.  And if you doubt my opinion about the healing powers of coffee?  Check out this article...I love the internet!

Total miles 217

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A lovely quote from my lovely friend Donna.

Do not underestimate the intimacy of running, and the people with whom you share your miles.
~Kristin Armstrong

Monday, April 12, 2010

20 miler through Bellingham

Good news!  I lived!  I have 20.5 miles under my belt.  I started with 3 laps of Lake Padden... took off down the new connector gorge trail... to Boulevard Park...  to downtown... past the library... turned past Broadway Park.... the Railroad Trail... and finally, through Whatcom Falls Park...
to home!!!!
Gosh I live in a great town!!!   I also have lovely friends.  Thanks Karla for running Padden with me today.  And thanks to the two bikers that passed me once in Fairhaven and once on the Railroad trail.  It was great to have encouragement along the way.
Total miles 214.5

20 miles here I come...

Today 20 miles...will check in with you all if I live. 

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Window shopping takes time...

A lovely out and back with my friend Krista.  Yes, we did window shop afterward longer than we ran and yes the delicious ham and cheese croissant at the farmer's market negated any possible weight loss was well worth it.  Sunny skies, lovely friends and yummy food.  Ahhh a little running for once. 
Monday, back to training...20 miles here I come!
Total Miles 194

Friday, April 9, 2010

Training v. Running

The difference between running and training is one thing--the motivation.  When I run, it feels fun and  invigorating.  I WANT to go out and run and HATE training.  Training is what you do when you're supposed to run but don't really want to.
Yesterday, I trained.  and want you all to know it felt mostly crappy.  There were one or two moments of running within that 5 miles....maybe....
Total 190 miles

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ridiculous tan lines.

 After putting in miles in capri length running tights, I have something of a bizarre farmer's tan.  I'm tan from the top of my ankles to just below my knees.  So sexy! ...Good thing it's not summer--the tan is very light.  On the other hand, I sort of like it's kinda like a badge of accomplishment.
I did an easy 9 miles yesterday.  It 9 miles, not too easy, not too hard.  I'm trying out Steve's suggestion.  He said that a 80 minute run is ideal for building strength and endurance.  It's just long enough to be a tough workout and short enough to recover quickly.   Sounds great, now if only I could cover more distance in 80 minutes... Best get off the couch and run now. 

Total miles 181

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Transported to bliss

 Today as I ran along a trail, I closed my eyes and just cruised for a few steps.
In those few seconds, I was transported to running bliss.
Why run?  For the joy-filled moments when my legs feel like rockets and my heart yells, "Yeah!"
 It is bliss... floating along in happiness...
Today I remembered, once again, why I run.

Total miles 172