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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dam Fine Day

Just a check in.  We went up to Damfino Lakes Tuesday.  It was lovely.
Mt.Baker peeking out through the fluffy clouds.
Brian posing in his favorite hat for hiking.  He almost has me convinced it's cool.
Me,'s on the way down...almost dinner time.

Now, just farting around procrastinating a run.  I'm pretty sure I'll never completely change!  Hey!  We're going up to do Victoria soon!  Anyone on board?  Here's a link.
Victoria Marathon, 10/10/10
I'm going for another PR.  I guess I better get out and run today.  OK, I'm going. 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

OK, I have officially started to push the finishing times down!  Today was the Fairhaven 15K.
Such a great race...especially when I PR.  My finishing time was 1:19:46  (previous PR 1:21:53) giving me a 2 minute PR!  So excited!
It was a lovely day, sunny and cool day.  I started out strong and had some fast splits, a few in a the low 8's.  8:12 was my best mile.  My pace fell off a bit near the end.  I ended up at 8:58 for mile 9.  Still, much better than a lot of my recent races.
The post race mimosas and breakfast were delicious too!   So, the day was great.  Still.....I think I hear speed work calling my nameSpeed work and an enormous dinner.  Speed work, an enormous dinner and a beer are calling my name.

Speaking of a speedsters,
Marty Gross was 2nd in her age group today in 1:23:26! 
Sunday came in ahead of me in 1:19:11 and Julie was in just after at 1:22:12!
Great job everyone!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Forgiveness and digging out of holes

Lately, I've been running solo more than not.  While I truly enjoy the company of friends on a run, I've come to appreciate a run for itself.  That enjoyment is helping me with consistency.  My pace is more even and I'm getting out more. 
Around mid-July I posted a goal of 40 miles a week and a 1/2 Marathon by the end of August.  I didn't reach either goal, despite my plans.  I actually took that particular week in August off, listening to my body saying, 'enough'.  But, since then I have managed to keep my mileage around 25-28 and reached 30 miles/week since beginning my 'quest' for 40.  Am I completely satisfied?  Uh, no. 
I'm not completely satisfied, but I am starting to see some changes for the better.  I'm running more consistently than I have for years runs are fun again!  I look forward to them.  I'm also more forgiving of myself. 
In the past, I'd get so discouraged if a week wasn't going well, I'd throw in the towel and skip several days out of frustration.  Know what that gets you?  Yep, more frustration!  Funny thing, I chatted with two friends over wine this afternoon.  It was delightful company and wine, by the way.  I mentioned how frustrating it can be to begin.  I said that when I begin something new, my inner voice must be overcome.  The voice says, "I can't" and I have to dig my way out of that bleak place just to start.  They both said they have the same challenge.  I may be onto something here!  Perhaps the struggle is universal.  Maybe we all have to jump out of our little holes and just try. 
Some days, a run will start that way.  My body will grumble with aches and stiffness and my head is not a motivator.  On some of those days, I manage to dig out of from gloom of self doubt and run.  Does it always go well?  NO!  Of course not.  Do I feel better when I get back?  YES!  Of course I do!
Am I still trying to build to 40 miles/week.  Yes, wish me luck with that one. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kudos to the B man!

Although Brian is not my coach, nor a runner these days, he's a great motivator.  Today is his 51st birthday!  Happy Birthday Brian! 
I told him I'd skip my run this morning in lieu of a hike or a cozy sleep in.  He said no that I should get my run in; that we'd have the rest of the day for  birthday celebrations.  Whether, he said run to avoid cranky Paula or just to be nice, I'm grateful. 
I ran with the Saturday morning crew today.  We started at 8:15 and enjoyed a perfect pre-fall 60 degrees with sunny breaks.  September is delightful isn't it?  9 miles later we were back at the start.  After a quick chat and stretch, I came home to patient Brian enjoying his morning granola.  He waited while I showered, ate and had some coffee.  He opened his presents and then tried out some of his new gadgets (guitar stuff). 
I say patient Brian because soon after, he asked about my run.  I pulled out the computer, loaded data from my Garmin and showed him my running data.  Good lord I'm boring!  Ha!  We reviewed the last 2 months when I complained that my running hasn't gone exactly to plan.  He pointed out that my mileage was good most of the weeks we looked at and encouraged me to look at the positive. 
Not only did the B man put up with gadget/food/running-obsessed Paula, he did it on his birthday!  Kudos to the B man!