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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Counting down

9 days to  San Diego...
At this point of training, I have officially peaked the worry meter.  From now on, it's all downhill.  Until race day of course.
 And now my favorite theme for a race day encouragement sign.

This one is closely followed by the following...

Excuse the expletive...couldn't resist.  So, Kenyan I shall be.  Release the inner Kenyans!  Problem solved....until race day.
Total mile...that's a good question.  I figured out I counted backwards a few weeks ago. It appears I'm  well over 300.  SO, I'm restarting my miles at 300.  That way, I'm not cheating but feel like I've done something.  Argh!  In the future I will be more diligent about rechecking my totals.

1 comment:

Kate said...

You're going to do GREAT. The mere fact that you're willing to take on 26.2 miles speaks volumes. Wish I were going with you - to WATCH and CHEERLEAD, not run. :)