Ashley also raced today. I did get a disclaimer and was able to secure an OK to post. No paperwork necessary of course. :) Anyhoo, Ashley said her time was 2:17 ish but I think she did 2:15. First time! First race EVER. I'm completely excited for her!
Here's Ashley and her food stash...who knew it would be bigger than mine!
Here we are at the race expo...
This sculpture “A-maze-ing Laughter” was just down the street from our hotel. (Ashley took this) Check out the whole thing at Vancouver International Sculpture ...
We, of course, needed to eat some yummy food. We stopped at Nat's Pizza
Nat's was delicious, thin crust pizza and a side of meatballs in marinara sauce...delicioso!
...and then some A-M-A-Z-ING chocolate. For dessert, we went to Dulcinea Cafe on Denman St. We had hot chocolate, thick creamy deliciousness. It was like chocolate crack.
...and then some A-M-A-Z-ING chocolate. For dessert, we went to Dulcinea Cafe on Denman St. We had hot chocolate, thick creamy deliciousness. It was like chocolate crack.
Seriously...chocolate crack...
Coffee...I have my priorities (photog Ashley of course)
OK not running this is the start...we're waiting to run
but the only action shot is this one... (both by my official photographer Ashley)
Here's the race shirt and medal.
Ashley at The Sylvia Hotel, Vancouver. A lovely location...a little pricey but great service!
So the whole trip was good. Not much wait going up. We had some trouble finding parking for the expo but shared a cab in the morning with a nice gentleman named Rob. He treated us to the cab as a first race celebration.
We split up at mile 4. It was misting at the start. A little rain near the end and didn't quite make the 2 hour cut off but, neither of us were injured. I was able to return Ashley to Patrick in one piece and feel a little more confident about San Diego.
Today was a good day.
Me 2:05:11
Ashley 2:14:05
Good for us both!!!!
Awesome! I was thinking of you today and hoping you had a good race. Sounds like you did! Congrats!
I knew you would do GREAT! CONGRATS!!!!!!
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