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Thursday, April 29, 2010

7000th place

After several nights of crappy sleep, a bunch of crappy runs and some very stressed out days...I'm finally done with the whole mess.  For the past few days I rested, stretched and managed a few good night's rest.  Today, I felt better.  I now truly looking forward to Sunday.  I'm looking forward to running with a big crowd in the big city.  I'll be doing the half (13.1 miles)
Some quick facts for you:
  • Vancouver International Marathon has Four races, the marathon (42.2 km), half marathon (21.1 km), the 8 km, and the McDonald's Kids MaraFun
  • There will be about 14,000 participants.
  • Stanley Park, the circumference of which we will run Sunday, more than 10% larger than New York City's Central Park.
  • The top 2009 woman finisher was Lioudmila Kortchaguina.  She finished the half in 1:17:11.
On review of the above, I can tell you the following:
  •  I will place around mid-pack.  7000th I believe that makes me.  
  • Stanley Park will seem much bigger to all who run on Sunday.  But, it will also seem more beautiful because it's amazing to go through by foot.
  • I will finish about 40 minutes after the first woman finishes.  
So, since I won't win, and know I'll do my best...I'm ready to run and run and run.  For now? Off to drink more coffee.  Cheers!


Kate said...

You're going to do awesome! Don't underestimate yourself. Wish I were going with you.

Monique said...

Good Luck!! I will be running the Half as Well!! Don't think I have ever been so nervouse before a race!! You will do great!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Paula!! My thoughts will be with you on Sunday.