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Monday, July 5, 2010

Holiday? What holiday?

Well July 1st and 4th have come and gone (if you don't know, I'm a Canadian living in the US). 
I was off for Canada Day and didn't celebrate aside from slacking off all day with friends followed by a lovely, easy evening run. 
On Saturday morning, I had a delightful long run with Donna, her running herd and were joined by Julie along the trail!   How fabulous...did I mention it was perfect conditions.   We finished 9 miles at a comfy 9:14 pace according to Donna's massive Garmin watch. 

 Did I mention that's on my wish list for my birthday?  Hint hint to Brian :) 
 I took a quick nap then off to work.  The night was hectic but still had a good day.  
Sunday, I finished off my week with a recovery 3 miler through the park.  It was lovely and I felt really good.  My legs are officially feeling better.  I had a few small aches and pains on the inside of my knees but it appears my legs have recovered.  Yay!

All in all, I had a good week and made my 10% increase!
Total miles this week 22.2
Total 91.0

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