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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More prep...

Only a few days until the San Diego Marathon.  I've been visualizing my way from mile 1 through 26.2.   So far, I've made it to mile 10....Don't you worry, I'm going to get there.

I'm also doing some research on my race...Here's some etiquette tips from the organizers along with a translation...from me. 
  1. Look before you spit or sneeze.  (don't blow a snot rocket at your neighbor or they'll get mad)
  2. When discarding extra layers, DO NOT throw them directly on the course path.  (when stripping on course, don't trip others with your clothes)
  3. Be aware and follow instructions of race officials at the start line. (seriously,  not sure if I'll be able to listen....I'm going to be too excited!!)
  4. Don’t take more refreshments than you need before, during and after the race. (stop being a pig!.. personally I will have to be conscious of my inner swine)
I will try to be a good runner.  The first three are reasonable.  But really, no food hoarding??  Who are they kidding?  I'll be sure to post my haul on the race report.  I am hoping to pre-hoard some serious goodies at the race expo.

ooh!  I just found this!  I like the sound of perks!

Participant Perks:

  • Flat, scenic marathon & 1/2 marathon course
  • Live local music every mile
  • Spirited Cheer Squads lining the course
  • Boston Qualifier
  • Perfect Running Weather – 60’s at the start, 70’s at the finish
  • Exciting Vacation Destination
  • Food and refreshments at the start and finish line
  • Plentiful Course Support & Aid Stations
  • Fantastic Finish Line Festival
  • Free admission to post-race concert
  • Brooks Participant Technical Tee
  • Commemorative Finisher’s Medal
  • Official Finishers Certificate
  • Age Division Awards
  • One free beer at the finish line festival
they could have just said blah blah free beer at the finish!  
Signing off for now.  I need to go run a few to shake out the freak inside. 

1 comment:

Kate said...

Yes, but unfortunately the post-race beer at the Seattle RnR is a Michelob MGD. No thank you. Offer me a Guinness at the finish and we'll talk.