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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The "Official" San Diego Marathon Report

Well, San Diego is over and no 4 hour marathon for me...yet.  So onward to the race report.  Geek alert, I'm posting my splits! 
  • Overall Race Pace 10:45...a full minute + slow!!!!
  • 5 Km  28:38  9:12 pace, felt OK  and on track
  • 10 Km 56:29  9:04 pace ...great!  I can do this
  • 7.4 Mi  1:07:34  9:08 pace  still ok
  • Half   2:06:54  9:41 pace, decided I could try for a 4:15 my outside goal.  Still, happy
  • 14 5 Mi  2:22:43  9:50 pace...see a trend?  Yikes, this is painful
  • 20 5 M  3:31:24  10:19 pace...I was accepting a 4:30 time...then my legs fell off and I dead-man shuffle to my final time of...
Chip Time  4:41:31
I'm disappointed as my official time was slow.  So, well off-pace but I'm not sad... There are a few reasons I didn't make my goal.  For one, I could have run more and I need to pick up my everyday pace.  So, get a little faster and more consistent with my runs.  Hey!  This is going to happen.  I can feel it! 
and now?  What's my plan? Well try try again of course!!!  10-10-2010 is Victoria Marathon.

1 comment:

Monique said...

Congratulations on your race, even though you didn't meet your ultimate goal, it was a pretty great time!!! Good luck with the training for your next race =)