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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Ode to the Cascadia 4

 I love my shoes.  No, I'm not kidding.  I love them.  I've tried to replace them and can't.  Well, I'm not willing.  First, they're beautiful.  See?  They look good with jeans!

Second, they have carried me through trails filled with mud, over hot concrete and back.  I don't even think they're that worn out...
Third, they fit like a well-loved pair of gloves.  I have a second pair of shoes that I begrudgingly wear. But, my Cascadias beckon to me and I listen.  Then I run and my knee hurts.  I think, shoot!  I have to switch to new shoes. 
Oh the heartache.   So, I ordered another, identical pair of Brooks Cascadia 4.  :)  That's love baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like it! steve