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Sunday, February 14, 2010

The deep water effect.

I had a lovely day at work after my long run yesterday. With the exception of my legs feeling as though they would fall off by 1100 last night- my body felt good and I was relaxed. My patients picked up on my mellow. There is definitely a connection between all of us. We often cruise through life and often don't notice the effect we have on others. That is never the case when caring for people. The caregiver sets the tone.
I call it the still water/stormy wave effect. A person who is relaxed, like deep, still water will smooth out a crowd. It's enjoyable to hang around them. Then, there's the stormy waver. These people are agitated and nervous. They stir the air and people around them. If you were able to watch each of them go by, the effect is dramatic. Either way, the individual can set a tone for the group.
Last night, I had calm deep water around me. Thanks to a good run and the confidence I felt from achieving my one week goal, I had a good attitude and a clear mind. My patients picked up on my calm and were content.
Reason # 362 for running: a mellow attitude and deep water.

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