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Friday, January 29, 2010

Good hard habits

What do I know for sure? Not much.
Here's my list:
  • chocolate is delicious and addictive.
  • the couch is very comfortable when eating chocolate.
  • dogs are magical creatures.
  • it's physically impossible for me to avoid all of the above all the time.
  • forming a good habit is very hard.
I chatted with my friend Ashley today. We talked about how we often start running then take dabble breaks. It's a curse really. But, life gets in the way. We both have stressful jobs in the medical field, lots of good friends, dog (mine is in my dreams so far) and hubbies. It's hard to find the time for a run. Actually it's not the time, it's the energy.
The temptation to hide under the bed after work is very powerful. In the past week, I was kicked in the chest, almost bitten and slapped by 2 different confused patients; I'm positive Ashley's had worse on her job.
The fact that we go out in public at all is good. Having the energy to go out for a run or workout is great. Tomorrow (off today after 4 straight workout days) I must remember to feel proud of myself ... Forming a good habit is very hard.

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